18 July 2024 – Brand Valuation as a Growth Driver for Businesses

Join us for an exclusive event where you can discover the business benefits of brand valuation. Learn how it drives marketing accountability, guides licensing negotiations, and empowers stakeholders with crucial data. We’ll also delve into brand perceptions, including sustainability strategies. Event details:Thursday, 18 July 2024 , 4:00pm SGTRajah & Tann Singapore LLP, 9 Straits View,

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27-28 Aug 2024 – IP Week @ SG 2024

LES Singapore has been invited to be a Supporting Organisation for IP Week @ SG 2024! Into its thirteenth edition, IP Week @ SG 2024 is the world’s premier Intellectual Property (IP) event which brings together IP thought leaders, legal experts and innovative enterprises. Event details: Read more about this event on the website and

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16 May 2024 – The Impact of AI – what does AI mean for Data Valuation, Licensing and Monetization

The ‘aha’ moment in business happens when you realise people will never pay for what they can get for free. Unfortunately, this epiphany is often followed by a sharp intake of breath as you realise the assets driving your competitive edge are entirely undefended. AI is making the defense of your precious data much harder.

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12th April 2024 – YMC Asia Pacific Conference

LESI Young Members Congress Asia Pacific Conference is happening in Tokyo, Japan. This year’s conference will delve into the forefront of generative AI, exploring its innovative applications within the realm of intellectual property. Event details: Friday, 12 April 2024, 10:00 AM K.I.T. Toranomon Graduate School, Atago Toyo Bldg. 12F 1-3-4 Atago, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 105-0002 – Japan Sponsorship

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8th March 2024 – WILA Speaker Series: Celebrating International Women’s day – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Join us for the fourth session of LESI Women-In-Licensing-Alliance (WILA) Speaker Series: Celebrating International Women’s day – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This online event is scheduled for Friday, 8 March 2024, at 10:00 AM Singapore time. Moderator: Speakers:  To participate, register your interest here.  We hope to see you there!

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President-elect Sonja London’s presentation to LES Singapore

On Friday 23 February 2024, LES Singapore was honoured to have President-elect of LESI, Sonja London give a presentation to the members and supporters of LES Singapore on the subject of “Keeping IP Strategy Fresh in the Changing Business Environment”.  Sonja’s presented on Value creation models for IP, how to align IP strategy with business

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7 March 2024 – Women In Licensing Alliance: International Women’s Day 2024

What does it mean to be inclusive? How do we understand individual identities in a collective society? Can we use our intellectual property to inspire the changes we want to see? In conjunction with International Women’s Day 2024, the Licensing Executives Society (LES) Singapore invites you to step into a journey through time and creativity

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22 Feb 2024 – LESI Copyright Licensing Committee “Copyright Enforcement in the Digital Environment”

Dates: 22 – 22 Feb, 2024 Location: Virtual Website: https://lesi-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApcuqqrj4sHNMlA-wcnaPHmwZ7wokFjvBX This session will provide an overview of copyright enforcement in the digital environment. After a few introductory remarks on the importance of enforcing IP and the development-oriented approach to enforcement taken by the World Intellectual Property Organization, it will take a closer look at the

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23 Feb 2024 – In-Person Talk: Practical Guide on Aligning IP Strategy with Business Strategy by Sonja London, LES International President-Elect

Join us for our first LES Singapore meet-up in 2024! LESI President-Elect, Sonja London, will be visiting Singapore in February and we have invited her to meet with our LES Singapore community. Sonja has many years of experience managing IP and technology in the ICT industry and is recognised as one of the world’s leading

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Sign up here: https://simc.glueup.com/event/webinar-innovative-approaches-in-mediation-for-cross-border-ip-disputes-96401/

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